Diana Badger

Magic is Alive – Gemini

Magic Weaver: Some of my recent awakenings about the sign of Gemini have pertained to its connection with magic, as well as how it asks us to leave our entrapment in rational linear thinking, and leap out of the very box from which it came. Because while we do associate Air sign energy with the thinking function in astrology, thinking was not originally intended to be a Descartian slam dunk.

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Song of Taurus

Taurus is far more than just ‘the builder’ or the one connected to the physical pleasures, and comfort. Its mission is to get us to slow down and go deeply into our interactions with the physical plane in order to infuse our experience with the spiritual essence of the sacred.

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Finding Heaven in Earth – Taurus

Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018. Since that time, the ‘shocking news’—Uranus being about radical change, insights, and shocks—of the effects of climate change has grown ever more shocking. But along with this has grown a new awareness, both in the public dialogue and in our small lives, of the need to love, respect, tend, and listen to the Earth.

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A New Leaf​ – Aries

The zodiacal wheel was originally developed by the Greeks to be in sync with the cycles of the seasonal changes on Earth. So at this point in time, we are poised at the beginning of the seasonal and astrological wheels, which brings along the blessing of healthy green things sprouting from the ground! And as a trained herbalist I can inform that some of these are great to ingest for spring cleansing of our livers, which may have gone sluggish during more sedentary, indulgent-inclined winter habits!

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Hunger Moon ​- Pisces

So, interestingly, we have this pairing of Saturn, no longer in one of its “home” signs (for the past three years it was in Aquarius, of which Saturn is a co-ruler, and prior to that, it was in Capricorn, of which Saturn is sole ruler), now entering the very different, watery realm of Pisces, associated with the Fish, and the transmutation of consciousness. Perhaps this is an invitation for the reemergence of Feminine ways of being to seep in through our infrastructures, infrastructures that, during Saturn’s time in Aquarius we already saw starting to shift, and perhaps begin crumble.

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Callenish stones

Seeds Of Beginning ​

I am prompted to write this Earth-Sky Journal for a few reasons, the primary being to educate and enthuse about my dual passions for Astrology and Spiritual Ecology—including where the two conjoin—in a time when I feel that we can only benefit from increasing our awareness of these two realms, between and within which our lives and our bodies are situated. For as many now know, the Earth and we ourselves are made of the same ‘stuff’ as the stars and celestial bodies. We are deeply interconnected.

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