Diana Badger

Refining Our Beliefs – Sagittarius

Following this Sagittarian Archer impulse, we must be patient with the process of relocating our sense of purpose, one that may involve adventuring into entirely new territory in this era of Change. As Sag is the archetypal pilgrim in quest of renewed vision, so we too are called to don our pilgrim’s robes when under its influence.

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Seeing In the Dark – Scorpio

Looking at our unconscious patterning is difficult work, and calls in the Scorpio qualities of courageous inquiry and perseverance. Engaging with this process can feel threatening, but it is paramount if we are to grow the robust resilience that is and will continue to be needed as we face the radical changes afoot on our planet. Without such healing work, we will be at the whims of our more primitive reactions to perceived threats. But when we have faced our inner demons, allowed ourselves to become ‘undone,’ and found our way back, we can be ready to hold steady when outer perils arise.

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Keeping Beauty in Mind – Libra

As the seventh sign in the wheel, Libra has the important role of initiating the transition from the self-focused, personal development of the first six signs to the broader focus of connecting to and serving Humanity as a greater whole. For relational Libra, ruled by the ‘love’ planet Venus, feedback from others provides a valuable mirror to self.

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The Miraculous, Close In – Virgo

I’d mentioned the difficult seguey from Leo (yang) to Virgo (yin): while every sign compensates for the potential ‘excesses’ of its predecessor, there are some successive pairs that are more notably opposed than others. This is one of them. While Leo’s is a proud dance of abundance and creativity, Virgo is guided by simplicity, humility, and self-restraint.

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The Living Light of Love – Leo

With strife and discord predominating in the headlines, and uncertainty prevailing in our lives, the dignified Leo archetype is a welcome call to return to the center of ourselves. Ruled by the radiant Sun, whose warmth and light nourishes all life, Leo in turn rules the heart, that which connects us through resonance to the web of creation.

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The Eternal Now – Cancer

Ruled by the Moon, Cancer is associated with the sensitive, receptive, feminine part of ourselves. The Moon is the fastest moving heavenly body in our night sky; hence Cancer as an archetype invites moment to moment Presence in the here and now, with its ‘moods’ ever- changing. We may be one moment deeply peaceful, at one with the quiet stillness of mid-summer with its pervasive warm light, enjoying the slowing down of Gemini’s busy pace; and the next, washed by a dark mood of sorrow, aloneness, or uncertainty.

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Game Changer – Gemini

With big changes in the realms of thought and cognition coming down the pike indicated by transpersonal planets Pluto in Aquarius and and Uranus in Gemini next year, not to mention Saturn in Pisces, learning how to expand our minds, and not believe everything we think—in effect rejigging our default paradigms—seems in order. And we should continue to expect the unexpected – a good phrase for innovative, “higher mind” Uranus, the higher octave of Mercury, Gemini’s ruler.

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Slower, Deeper – Taurus

So in this respect, for this next lunar cycle we are still propelled towards learning and communicating (Mercury) about our shadow issues, our places of wounding. This is vital work, as our individual efforts contribute to the healing of the whole. The further we travel into knowing and releasing our shadow patterns, the more our energy, and courage, are freed up to be in service to life, as a joyful offering our gifts and skills.

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Sea of Change – Aries

In its own way, Aries energy also beckons us to new terrain. As a bold fire sign, Aries calls in change through unadulterated impulse, whereas Uranus rules higher mind (considered the higher octave of Mercury), so its changes are often in terms of ‘technologies’, with the invention of electricity being a classic one. Personally, it seems to me we can be poised at this time to call ‘light’ into our own lives, in unexpected ways, to work with new ‘technologies’ of thought, of how we process and respond to information and to others. Be on the lookout for light bulbs on your path!

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Rainbow over waterfall pool

A Return To Source – Pisces

The heart of the deeply Piscean flavor of now invites us to abide in not knowing, allowing the unraveling of old, solidified ways, “holding onto nothing,” so that we can come face to face with the Soul at our core, that part which cannot be lost, which connects us to all of life. For many, facing loss, grief, and breakage head-on are necessary initiations into this other-worldly archetypal process.

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